Solutions for Property Owners

Build Compliant, not Complicated

In 2025, business as usual is unusually expensive. Is your next project ready to meet new requirements, or will you be left sorting through 6000 PDFs to collect all the data points needed?

Product Information for All Involved

Access reliable product information tailored to your project, from design to build. Minimize the risk of misalignment and costly surprises.

CO₂ Calculations and Reports

Predict the CO₂ impact of your project and make sure the final build adheres to your project goals and market requirements.

Property and Portfolio Overview

Monitor your properties by project or across the portfolio, with Building LCA covering all phases (A-D).

Built as Designed or Built as We-Had-to-Make-Some-Changes?
Online project portfolio

A Complete Overview of Your Ongoing and Past Projects

Building LCA per project, level A-D

Portfolio-level project insights

Extract the data needed for your business reports, and generate climate declarations

Make better decisions based on relevant numbers. Gain a deep understanding of your projects in one view.

Collaboration across stages

Lift the Curtain on the Work of Your A and E’s

Get a joint view to analyze the project design as it evolves in the hands of your architects

Collaborate on product selection and understand how each choice impacts your projects sustainability

Reduce the risk for misalignment, errors, and later changes

Bridge the gap between design and build by creating a single shared and tool-agnostic project central.

Track what’s built

Clear Directives for Your Contractors

Make your project requirements clear for everyone involved in producing the building

Invite contractors to update product selections for full transparency and tracking of the built reality

Easily evaluate the product suggestions from your connected distributors, with information about each of their articles.

If you don’t know what you’re asking for, your contractors will not know what to deliver. If you don’t know what was delivered, you can not know if your requirements were met.

"By improving our way of doing climate calculations, we get a clearer picture of the impact different choices in the construction process have on the climate. It helps us make informed decisions and ultimately achieve our climate goals."

Michael Eskils

Climate Strategist, AMF Fastigheter serves product information to every industry stakeholders and their entire workflow